Where are the starry skies of Iran?

 Due to air pollution and the reflection of disturbing lights, stars and celestial phenomena everywhere in the country were being prepared to be replaced. Therefore, to watch the glory of the night sky, it must be understood in such a way that any kind of pollution does not have a clear and dark sky.

But you notice, even natural light created some of the stars in our view, for example in the full moon light no one can buy the stars, even a thin crescent moon lightens the background of the sky a little. So if you want to go here to see the stars, pay attention to the moon phase. If you want to have a completely dark sky all night to see the stars, make a suggestion to start the lunar month to see the stars.

Light pollution

 There are only unique ones in Iran that are the best for watching the starry night sky. These parts have a dry climate and are found in deserts, foothills or rural and suburban areas.

 The magic of the stars on the blue curtain of the desert sky of Iran

Tabas Desert

It is said that everyone once became the enchantment of the desert sky, another was released from it for the rest of his life. The magic of the stars on the blue curtain of the desert sky floated an extraordinary view of the beauty of the phenomenon that fascinated every human being. The beauty of desert star nights has permeated the books of writers and students for many years, but all this beauty is only obtained in the image for you to see yourself up close.

Abuzid Abad Desert

Watching the starry night sky away from artificial disturbing lights is nowhere else for Android, watching work in the desert is a pleasure. Every corner of the desert in this land is a place to observe stars and galaxies. But in the meantime, there are deserts that have a different atmosphere for astronomers and tourists.

One of these deserts, which has been named the most starry desert sky, is the desert of three castles in South Khorasan, whose nights have made it the fifth darkest sky in the world. Other parts of the desert that are sewn to the ground in the sampling of the sky include the Marnjab Desert, Tabas Desert, Nayband Desert, Matinabad Desert, Egypt Desert, Abu Zidabad Desert, Khara Desert, Tarash Desert, Caracal Desert, Ardakan Desert and Shahdad Desert . 

Maranjab desert

Observing the starry night sky in historical places

Seeing the dark and starry sky along with visiting historical places forced their fans to travel for miles to watch the night sky in the heart of these ancient monuments. One of these historical sites is the ancient city of Pasargad, which with four thousand years of astronomical history, is considered the buyer of the city of astronomical tourism in Iran.

The old Pasargadae Observatory, known as the Prison of Solomon or the Kaaba of Zoroaster, is a relic left by the astronomical ancestors of our land. Other historical sites to watch the starry night sky include Choghaznabil Ziggurat, Persepolis, Naghsh-e Rostam, Naghsh-e Rajab, Takht-e Soleiman, Dir Gchin Caravanserai, Anahita Temple, Qasr Bahram Caravanserai, Khoranagh Caravanserai, Qaraghagheh Castle Caravanserai Qara Kelisa and Imamzadeh Hassan mentioned.

Imamzadeh Hassan Alasht

The roar of the stars in the sky of the stepped springs of Badab Surat

Badab Surat

Spending the night in these natural springs, which exist only in a few places on the planet, is definitely a unique and unique experience. The gift promised to watch the stars at this point is a polar star that flickers in the distance and can be seen from this area. Most of the time, the stars in the night sky of Badab Surat have a party and make a fuss.

The point of playing with the stars in the sky of the highest peak of the country, Damavad

Damavand sky is definitely one of the best places to see bright stars and celestial phenomena, where even with the naked eye you can see the maximum number of stars in the sky. You can lie on the ground and stare at this starry and legendary sky for hours.

Planet Mars in the sky of Gavkhoni Lagoon

Gavkhoni Wetland

This lagoon does not have any air and light pollution and this has made it have a wonderful sky. The effect of the stars in the sky of this lagoon is very spectacular. The remarkable thing about the lagoon sky is that the planets Mars and Saturn can also be seen in the middle of the constellation Scorpio.

Starry nights in the village of Sorkh Abyaneh

The sky of Sorkh Abyaneh village is not less than the desert sky and it is a pure place for the lovers of the starry sky. The vast plain along the river of the village does not have any kind of light pollution and is a very good place to watch the stars.

You can also tour this beautiful village before it gets dark and buy from the village locals if you like. The nights in this village are very cold, so if you like to sit and watch the starry sky during the night, bring warm clothes with you.

The Milky Way galaxy over Alamut

Alamut area is one of the unique places to watch and photograph the beauties of the night sky. You do not need to climb and go to Alamut Castle to watch the starry night sky. You can camp at the foot of the castle and escape.

After enjoying the stunningly beautiful sky of Alamut, you can head to Lake Evan, which is located near the castle. The night sky of the lake is as beautiful as the sky of Alamut.

Star Dance on Qeshm Island

Valley of the Stars

Star Valley is one of the hangouts of astronomical groups for observing stars and celestial bodies, which the natives of Qeshm Island also call a fallen star or a star. When you stand under the sky of this valley, you realize that the letters they put on this valley are not so irrelevant. The Valley of the Stars is a good place for sky photographers due to its remoteness from the urban area and its light pollution, as the night sky between the sandy walls gives extraordinary framing. You can also lie on the warm sunny sands of the valley and not take your eyes off the starry sky of the island.

Remember that for traveling to Qeshm in summer or any time of the year, you can compare different types of Qeshm tours in Kejaru in terms of price or different features from a reputable travel agency and buy them more easily than anywhere else.

Valley of the Stars

Another star point is Chahkuh Strait Island. In this gorge, there are big and small holes in the walls, and they look as if mythical creatures are there. The locals call this climate Star Otide and believe that this is where a star from the sky hit the ground, which created such spectacular scenery on the island.


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